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GALLERIES: #LetabaShow 2017 in pictures

Here's to an unforgettable 2017 Letaba Show and to the hope that next year's Show will be just as amazing.

2017’s instalment of the Letaba Show was a roaring success owing to the fact that the show committee finally managed to bring agriculture back to the fore after years of slow integration back into the show.

Another major role player in this year’s success was the fact that most of the dreaded ‘vlooi mark’ was removed from the show. There were also plenty of live acts you could watch on stage, whether it be Snotkop, Juba Broers, Hailey Clark, Willem Botha, Francois van Coke or Lizz Meiring; the Letaba Show 2017 had them all.

Now take a look back at what was one of the most successful shows in recent memory.

Day 1

Bekende Suid-Afrikanse aktrisse, Lizz ‘Bizzy Lizzy’ Meiring het Woensdag, 09 Augustus vir die vrouens van Tzaneen laat vou van die lag. Hier is ‘n kort video van haar vertoning tydens Letaba Skou 2017.

Lizz Meiring verlaat Tzaneen met ‘n spesiale boodskap aan Tzaneen se vrouens.

Photos: Blake Linder and Marianco Snyman

Videos: Blake Linder

Day 2

Forms Media Independent het weer eens die geesbeker geneem tydens die jaarlikse Tzaneen Sakekamer Potjiekos Kompetisie.

Snotkop se partytjie atmosfeer het seker gemaak Tzaneen se tieners het hulle Donderdag aand geniet.

Photos and videos: Blake Linder

Day 3: Youth Show and the crowds

Photos: Blake Linder

Day 3: Live performances

Francois van Coke en die orkes, Die Gevaar, het ‘n onvergeetlike vertoning tydens vanjaar se Letaba Skou vir al sy Tzaneen aanhangers aangebied.

Photos and video: Blake Linder

 Day 4

Photos: Matome Maila

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