
Foiled ‘farm attack’ in Lushof outside Tzaneen

A quick response by security companies at a plot in Lushof has resulted in a foiled 'farm attack' on Wednesday evening.

An elderly couple was watching television when they suddenly heard noise coming from their roof and on one of their windows.

Mike (80) and Stella (77) Stighlingh immediately alerted security companies in their area who reacted swiftly.

The criminals ran off before the security personnel from Letaba Brandwag Farm Watch, David Breedt security and Lushof Neighbor Watch arrived without taking anything or harming the couple.

Carel van der Grijp from Letaba Brandwag Farm Watch told the Herald that they received a call from the couple at around 20:10 alerting them about the intruders in their yard.

“They told us that there were people trying to break into their house, they said one was on top of the roof, another was busy removing putty from a window in front of the house and the other from their back window,” said van der Grijp.

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He said the fourth criminal was trying to force open the security gate with an object. He said it was not the first time the couple was the target of criminals.

He was however surprised that this time the criminals wanted to get in knowing very well that there were people inside the house.

“During the last break-in the couple was not at home and the criminals stole everything including their clothes, we are just not sure if it’s the same people or not,” he said.

Van der Grijp said they were unable to launch a manhunt because there were no lights and it was amidst a storm.

Stella said the suspect who was on the roof, presumably wanted to steal their solar panel.

She also confirmed that it was not the first time their house was broken into. “Last year we had three break-ins,” she said.

The Stighlingh’s have opened a case. At the time of publishing, the police had not responded to Herald’s inquiry.

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