
#MothersDay through the eyes of many as written by Khanyisa

Mothers's day is bitter-sweet to Mothers whose children have died at any age, women experiencing infertility, women who have had miscarriages, woman and man who have lost their mothers.

As a grieving mother I came to experience that during this time you think about how you will be celebrated by your children as a mother or celebrating your mother too.

Yes, mothers who are experiencing infertility and those who have lost their children deserve to celebrate mother’s day too; I believe we are all mothers God created a woman and place a heart of a mother with or without children.

We are all mothers at all times, with or without children, we are mothers to countless nieces and nephews therefore we need to cherish and love them. I was raised by my aunt and she never had kids, my aunt took me in her loving home and warm heart, raised me like her own daughter, we have so many beautiful memories together and I feel blessed having her as a mother. Somehow I feel it was planned by God.

Not even a single day she complained about not having children her nieces and nephews were her children. She is one of the women that I celebrate on mother’s day.

To all grieving Mothers, or man and woman whom their mothers died, they are always with us and we must never stop celebrating them also the women who played a great role in our lives.

A mother is not defined by the number of children you can see but by the love she holds in her heart.

To all grieving mothers: you might feel left out today, you won’t see your baby giving you a small gift, hugs and text I understand and it is painful, if you feel like celebrating this day you are more than entitled to do so. Grieving mother you are stronger than anyone realizes including yourself.

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