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Video: Police shoots out of control former scholar

VIDEO WARNING: Not for sensitive viewers: A video recording of the incident has since gone viral on social media.

A former school learner was shot in the leg after he allegedly attacked police officers at the school on Thursday at the  Mmametlhake Secondary School in Mpumalanga.

According to news reports, the Mpumalanga department of education spokesperson Jasper Zwane said the former pupil went to the school to see the principal.

“It is alleged that when he was told he could not see the principal, he became violent and started throwing bricks, destroying the school’s windows. Police were called in to assist… the intruder attacked them until he was shot in the leg,” Zwane said.

The youth was arrested and taken to hospital.

The suspect is currently at the hospital under police guard, facing several charges, including attacking a police officer and malicious damage to property.

According to a statement, the department will send a team to the Mmametlake Secondary today to investigate the circumstances that may have caused this and to start the process of giving counselling to the affected learners and teachers.

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VIDEO WARNING: Graphic imagery. Not for sensitive viewers.


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