
There is no use in being bitter

If there’s one thing that I have realised about heartbreak is that one tends to blame and torture themselves with thoughts of regret, wishing they could have tried harder to make it work.

The month of love, as it has been dubbed has been anything but for some people.

After Valentine’s Day, some people are nursing broken hearts and dealing with the pain of failed relationships.

Is there a formula to deal with and move past heartbreak? Does one ever fully recover and regain their ability to love without thoughts and fear of having their heart trampled upon again?

If there’s one thing that I have realised about heartbreak is that one tends to blame and torture themselves with thoughts of regret, wishing they could have tried harder to make it work.

I just hope we remember to be kind to ourselves in the post-breakup aftermath, nothing worse than flogging yourself over lost love, emotional torture if you ask me.

Deep heartbreak will shake the very foundation of who you are, change you drastically and not for the good, unfortunately.

It changes your whole outlook on love and relationships and it becomes hard to trust someone to not play you like a game of ping-pong.

You spend too much time being bitter and the sight of lovey-dovey couples, ‘love lives here’ posts on social media revolt you so much because you feel you also deserve that.

If you actually heard the stories of happily involved or married couples, you would be shocked as to what some people have been through and even after all the pain and heartache, they still chose love.

Things have changed, nowadays we choose to numb ourselves from feeling, we choose to lock our feelings far away from reach to avoid being hurt, we have normalised being emotionless.

We walk around like zombies with force fields around us, build walls so high that no individual can get in and cause us the pain that we experienced in the past by letting someone in.

Falling in love is one of the bravest things a human being could do, you’re basically exposing yourself to pain the moment you fall in love, and you become vulnerable with no protection whatsoever and that’s pretty brave. One thing we are never told is that your act of bravery does not guarantee that you won’t be met with disappointment and anguish when the relationship fails.

There is no use in being bitter when a relationship ends. Just take that energy and turn it into love for self and an easing of the heart’s loss, and as cliché as it may sound, love will knock on your door when you least expect it.

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