
UPDATE: Crocodiles mutilated for muti?

WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS! It has been suggested that crocodiles in and around the Letaba River are being targeted for muti.

Over the past few weeks, several farmers in the area have reported finding dead crocodiles in the River and in neighbouring dams.

Chunks of poisoned meat were allegedly suspended by ropes above the water, which were used to kill the crocs.

The carcasses were then pulled to shore, mutilated, and left with their heads and feet chopped off.

Over a dozen have been found; some having been left to rot in the river that were too far in to be retrieved.

Over a dozen have been found, some having been left to rot in the river that were too far in to be retrieved.
Over a dozen have been found, some having been left to rot in the river that were too far in to be retrieved.

According to Pieter Vorster, chairperson of Agri Letaba, this is quickly becoming a common occurrence.

‘Carcasses have been found by at least 5 farmers in dams and rivers within a 30km stretch along the River from Letsitele’. He stated that the SAPS and the Department of Nature Conservation have also been informed, who have set out to give the matter their full attention. But by the time of going to press there has been no further response from authorities.

Crocodile poaching is not as rare and remote as we generally perceive it to be.

The carcasses were then pulled to shore, mutilated, and left with their heads and feet chopped off. Photo supplied
The carcasses were then pulled to shore, mutilated, and left with their heads and feet chopped off. Photo supplied

They are hunted everywhere in the world for their fashionable skins and their meat delicacies.

But the crocodiles killed in the Letaba are being found with their skins and meat left untouched.

The only parts missing have been heads and feet.

Black market crocodile hunting might not seem like a serious issue, but these creatures contribute to their Eco systems in a very important way.

They restore balance to the food chain by rounding down the fish population. Other predators live off their eggs as well, and many animals benefit from the nests they build for their young.

Crocodile carcass floating in the river. Photo supplied.
Crocodile carcass floating in the river. Photo supplied.

It would appear somebody out there has placed an order for unconventional crocodile products.

The main suspects at present are the local traditional healers, who are commonly believed to use the crocodile brains to make a lethal cocktail.


The tonic is then mixed in with the targeted person’s home-brewed beer, resulting in death.

The feet are also dried and then used as charms and amulets which are believed to have magical properties.

Northern Review reported that 13 animals,mostly lions, have been reported poisoned and/or killed since the beginning of September.

Read the article : Police warn Lim game farmer owners to safeguard their animals-Warning not for sensitive viewers

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