
Boston graduates shine

Boston City Campus and Business College held its graduation ceremony at Ivory Tusk Lodge on Friday.

The excited graduates were accompanied by their loved ones.

Motivational speaker, Abiott Senwamadi spoke some powerful words which was meant to change the graduates’ perception about life in general.

He said the graduates need to see value in what they have because valuing what you have is the beginning of success.

“You need a vision in life, you have to visualise where you want to go. Visualise your destination, don’t allow yourself to be associated with your family’s background,” said Senwamadi.

He added that if some of them want to be business owners then they must not sleep at night they must just rest and wake up.

“One of our weaknesses is sleep,” he said.

Tzaneen Boston City Campus and Business College, branch manager, Karabo Mphela, presented all the graduates with their qualifications.

Top students were also awarded as well as the overall top student.

Family members attending the ceremony made it very memorable by ululating, chanting and shouting praises for the graduates.

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