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Elderly people targeted by scammers on grant day

Pensioners have become the target of scammers on grant days.

Sgt Maurice Nkhwashu of Tzaneen Police Station told the Herald that during grant days, criminals target pensioners. “Criminals are always looking for new ways to scam people and the elderly have become an easy target. “In one of the most prevalent scams, criminals spill oil on the pensioner and then another scammer would approach the pensioner and say, “Look someone has put oil on you, come with me as someone wants to take your money through magic,” Nkhwashu said.

“They would then invite the unsuspecting elderly victim to their car and request that he or she hand over all of their money for safekeeping in an envelope. The criminals would exchange the envelopes and give the pensioners an envelope with paper inside, not money. “They tell the senior citizen not to open the envelope until they get home,” he said. In another scam, the syndicate would approach the pensioners and say their money would double before they get home if they put it in an envelope they provide.

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They would then again exchange the envelopes and give the pensioners envelopes with newspapers inside. Nkhwashu said they normally target people who have just withdrawn money from a bank or ATM.“We advise people to never give anyone your money after withdrawing and to never allow strangers to assist you while withdrawing money at the ATM,” he added. He also stated that young people with smartphones and laptops are also targeted.

They would give the youngster a bank card and ask him or her to withdraw money. “The scammers promise the victim R200 in return, but they have to leave their belongings behind. “On return, the scammers have vanished with their belongings,” he said. To report scammers, visit your nearest police station or call 0800 10111.

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