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Eco hut build is underway

A Hoedspruit woman who is one of 100 designers worldwide awarded $100 000 to build a unique AirBnB, says she is well on her way to completing her establishment.

Liezel Maree of Salty Sistas in Hoedspruit was one of three South Africans selected by the OMG Fund to build their unique dwelling in the competition. Maree’s eco hut is built with recycled materials and will feature a Himalayan salt cave. “Despite being set back a few weeks due to the recent heavy rains, the first phase of the build is now complete,” Maree said. The most exciting part of the experience has been contacting 42 of the 100 winners through Facebook and a WhatsApp group started by one of my fellow South African winners who is building a rammed earth dwelling.

“Being able to follow everyone’s projects from design, approvals, snow storms and deadlines have been incredible. We constantly send each other updates, pictures, and videos whether it is a beehive dwelling in Costa Rica or a floating coconut-shaped dome in Malaysia. We all face the same challenges and have formed friendships,” she said. “We are planning a world tour to visit each other’s, OMG Fund projects once we have completed them,” she said.

Also read: Hoedie’s woman is one of three in Africa to win AirBnB design prize

She says the wine bottles delivered to Salty Sistas by locals have been cut and taped to form eco-glass bricks. “It is easy to build with recyclable materials and it looks fabulous! I plan to incorporate rocks found Liezel celebrating at the site of her Airbnb. on the property, old car windscreens as windows, car tyres, and clay where possible. Our next stage will be planting indoor trees and a massive one-ton Matumi stump which will be part of the kitchen.”

She says the most important part of the salt, cave will be when the art installations take place. “I have invited a few local artists and enthusiasts to brainstorm or collaborate with me as we plan sculptures, paintings, and mosaics to make it a truly unique dwelling,” she said. People interested in getting involved in building with glass bottles, or creating art installations, can visit Maree at Salty Sistas to discuss proposals. “The Himalayan salt room will be in the centre of the dwelling, and will have salt floors and walls, built from salt bricks weighing between 2-10kg each,” she concluded.

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