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Judy show cases her designs at Paris Fashion Week

Nkowankowa-born fashion designer, Judy Sanderson Bernado, showcased her designs at the Paris Fashion Week last week.

Bernado, a former Plasie, was selected by Canex-Creative Africa Nexus sponsored by Afrexim Bank, as one of the Top 20 African fashion designers to participate at the Tranoi
Trade Show in Paris. She presented her clothing brand, Judy Sanderson’s fall/winter for 2023/2024
collection alongside renowned fashion designers at the event.

Bernado was one of three designers from South Africa to have been selected, alongside David Tlale and Rich Mnisi. Bernado founded her womenswear in 2019, which sells worldwide through an online
store and on social platforms. Her brand champions her African roots and storytelling yet mirrors her life journey through Asia and Europe to create a rich blending of cultures that fosters an appreciation for diversity and an inherent sense of wanderlust.

Judy with renowned designers in Paris.

Also read: Judy takes on the global world of fashion

“I create pieces that transcend fashion to inspire strength and confidence in the women who wears them. Clothes should showcase the woman and not the other way around. There is beauty in every woman and what I create is a visual statement for the strong woman in all of us. Because beauty empowers us even more.” Judy said. The South African ambassador in France, Tebogo Seokolo, invited the three designers, including Thebe Magugu to his house and shared a meal with them.

Thebe Magugu with Judy

Last year in October she also flew the South African flag at the 2022 African Fashion Week London
(AFWL). During that show, she had the pleasure of dressing 2019 Miss Universe Zozi Tunzi, who was impressed by the workmanship of the brand. Judy encourages anyone with a dream to not be scared
to break generational barriers and to pursue their dreams regardless of their financial background.

“I’m a girl from Nkowankowa who never had any privileges in life, but I have the tenacity to go for
what I want. “I always surround myself with people who are better than me and that has attributed to where I am in life,” she concluded.

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