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Hundreds of new jobs for new mine

The approval of the Lift II project, a new underground development by Palabora Copper will provide the much needed boom for Ba-Phalaborwa.

The Lift II project will create hundreds of jobs through the construction of the new underground mine by contractors for local communities: and business opportunities for National, Provincial, Local and the previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs.

The much anticipated extension of the life of the mine project, Lift II, of Palabora Copper, formerly known as Palabora Mining Company, has been given the nod by shareholders to proceed to full execution – injecting new lease of life for the Ba-Phalaborwa people.

“This is indeed a thrilling moment for Palabora Copper,” says General Manager of Human Resources, Maboko Mahlaole, “as both the mine and the communities can look forward to the continuation of the mine until 2033 when we expect to complete the ore body of Lift II.”

He says this is the time when “we and the leadership within the communities should have a common purpose of advancing the development of people.”

Mahlaole said there are various categories of jobs ranging from non-skilled, semi-skilled, skilled and professionals required in order to implement the project.

Some of these work opportunities will come directly from Palabora Copper; however, the bulk would come from the project contractors. He cautioned against unrealistic expectations by saying that the number of job opportunities will vary at various stages of the project.

“We have reached an agreement with all our five traditional authority leaders on the recruitment of unskilled labour from the tribal authorities, Maboko says.

Palabora Copper entry job requirement, which is a B2 position, is a matric certificate.

“The local communities i.e. Maseke, Makhushane, Selwane, Majeje, Mashishimale, Namakgale, Lulekani and Phalaborwa town will receive priority in the hiring process, he says, adding “that people from these communities will need to submit their curriculum vitae and copies of their qualifications to their respective tribal authorities while Namakgale, Lulekani and Town residents need to submit the same at Leboneng library, Rixile library and the

Speaker’s office at the municipal offices respectively. The period for submissions is 16th – 20th February 2015.

General Manager of Corporate Affairs, Keith Mathole, who has been championing the development of the communities, also says that procedures have been put in place for contractors to follow suit when it comes to recruitment and other opportunities.

“Each time contractors are looking for unskilled and semi-skilled personnel, the starting point will be the database that has been created consisting of local people.

This is our attempt to ensure that there is maximum benefit for the local people and contractors need not reinvent the wheel,” he said.

Concluding, Maboko said that jobs at Palabora Copper are not for sale.

“All those who are aware of any potential corruption should immediately report it.

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