
Vusimuzi releases two life changing debut singles

Gospel musician, Michael Vusimuzi Mboweni released two single albums recently.

The first single is titled ‘Loko yeso ari na hina’ and the second one is ‘Ndzi ta famba na yeso’.

He told the Herald that singing gospel music is a ministry, as he writes music which agrees with the word of God. His musical journey started at a tender age when he was bitten by the music bug and has not looked back ever since.

“At Mbangwa Primary School, I joined the school choir and in 1998 I was a music leader at Altona System Recovery.

“Gospel music has always been part of my life. In 1999 I joined Tivumbeni College of Education where I did a diploma in Education. In same year I was elected as a deputy music and drummer organiser for the Student Christian Organisation (SCO).

“The following year I was the music and drummer organiser.

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“I have worked with great musicians, such as Kenny Shivambu who was a leader of Tivumbeni College Choir. I also worked at Go_Explo Chapter Two as a backing vocalist,” he explained.

As a music leader at SCO his music skills was refined through practising with his friend Chris Hlungwane who is now leading Goodhope Christian Centre at Elim Waterfall.

He added that other people such as Dawn Mushwana have also played an important role mentoring him in his ministry.

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Mboweni added that with the help of God, he will be looking forward to releasing new singles before the end of 2020. In 2021, he will release a full album.

He has worked with Mbetse Productions and Gaynon Mboweni.

“God has been good to me by giving me a message for his people. I am the composer of the first two singles. The third and fourth singles are currently being composed,” he added.

When he is not at the studio or at home with his family (wife and two sons), he is a full time Mathematics teacher at Acorns to Oaks Comprehensive High School in Acornhoek in Mpumalanga.

For more information on his music, contact him on 0836748258, or email; MVMboweni@ gmail.com or follow him on his Facebook page; Vusimuzi Mboweni and Instagram:Vusimuzi Mboweni


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