
Vossies star set for cricket’s big stage

Local cricket star, Artwell Mokgolobotho, says he cannot imagine his life without cricket.

Mokgolobotho (19) from Nkowankowa township and a Ben Vorster High School learner, believes that the sport has given him a sense of purpose in life.

“I love cricket with all my heart. I am the person I am today because of this great sport called cricket.”

In March he was the only Limpopo cricketer who was selected to represent the Titans Academy at the Franchise Academy Week in Cape Town.

“The academy week was a great experience, because it is an opportunity for young and upcoming cricketers to get noticed by other teams.

“It is only the beginning, I’m hungry for more, I’m still gonna keep on pushing myself.

“However, I will definitely not neglect my school work, I need school as much as I need cricket,” explained.

His journey with the sport started when he was youngster at Bombeleni Primary School.

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At the age of 11 he was already representing Limpopo in national competitions and has ever since been chosen for the the provincial team each year.

In 2016 he joined the Ben Vorster cricket team, after the school noticed his skill while he was still attending at DZJ Mtebule Secondary.

His mother, Eunice Mokgolobotho, says she is very proud of all his achievements.

“I use to get mad when he broke my windows practicing.

“When he was younger, he used to pick pieces of wood which he used to bat with before we bought him a real cricket bat.

“I pray day and night that his dreams of one day playing for the Proteas come true,” said Artwell’s mother.

He says he owes his success to God for the grace he bestowed upon his life and his coaches and mentors Adam Shai, Renier de Jager, Lordwick Mhlongo and all the people who have supported his career thus far.

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