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Gallery: 800 athletes plunge down Magoebaskloof

From a hairbrained idea a good few moons ago that many believed was way out of their league, to the culmination of a superb first event.

Considering they only went live in September with online entries, the turn out was phenomenal, just on 800 entries and all of this advertised via their Facebook page,
Rotary Magoeba Plunge Marathon, Letaba Herald and word of mouth.

Never doubt the power of social media.

“Planning was essential to ensure the success of the event and our major concern was the safety of our runners. Our team worked incredibly hard to secure these necessary permits through many many meetings with our amazing Municipal and Provincial Traffic Departments who saw the value in hosting this type of event. Their guidance and input and presence on the day was priceless. They really offered Service above Self and we are exceptionally proud to have had them with us all the way. We had our route officially measured by Christie Bouwer from LIMA and that allowed us to plan everything in fine detail,” stated Tracy van den Dool.

Some stats for putting things in perspective: 400 kg of ice, 25 000 water sachets, 3000 Energade sachets, 450 2L cokes, 200 2L creme soda’s, 1200L of water, 1200 bananas,
7300 baby potatoes, 6200 watermelon bites, 6000 peanut butter mini sarmies, 13300 Energade Jelly babies.

“Over 100 volunteers involved in various aspects of launching and seeing this through to the end. Easily in excess 7000 man-hours put into planning and executing from start to finish with our Team Rotary and Friends of Rotary. Of course, without sponsors we would never have achieved any of this and our deepest appreciation goes to these
wonderful people who saw something in this hairbrained idea and chose to support us and we are sure that there will be many more approaching us before we even get out of the starting blocks officially for 2020.”

Two very special mentions; Tzaneen Marathon Club – without their excitement, licence and input this Marathon would never have happened. Polokwane Athletic Club – without their clock, input, guidance they would have not achieved what we did, Van den Dool stated.

Then their very valuable corporate sponsors: Apexes an IT Company from Texas and very close to the Greater Tzaneen Science Centre community, Galaxy Bingo Tzaneen,
PPS Transport, Oasis Water Tzaneen, Talisman, Panarottis, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Cloud Mountain Spur, Tzamac, ZZ2, Two Mountains, Eco Choice and Venbeck.

“The accolades we have received from our runners has given us enormous confidence and their input into where we need to tweak and adjust is invaluable. We are collating all the advice and praise as we wrap up and look forward to putting on an even better 2020 Marathon. To our runners, wow, you came up, out, down in droves and gave us a run for our money and we loved every minute of serving you! So many offered help, advice and those are the little things that made is so very personal. They are all part of our running family now and after drinking from the Letaba River, they will return. May you always have the wind at your back and we look forward to welcoming you
in 2020,” concluded Tracy.

An emotional Van den Dool ended the Magoeba Plunge by firing a shot during the last tense filled minutes.

That was the cut off time to qualify for the Comrades.

There was also a cut off shot to qualify for those who want to participate in the Two Oceans Marathon.

Mukhetwa Dzivhani from Venda stumbled over the finishing line, assuring her to qualify for next years Comrades Marathon.

All action photos by Bertus de Bruyn. Podium photos by Cyril Mangema from the Greater Tzaneen Community Foundation ( GTCF)


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