
Home Affairs: This treatment has nothing to do with false rumours

The chaos at Tzaneen Home affairs is not due to “False Rumours” but to incompetence, racism and selective service.

I have been one of those unfortunate members of the public that has been struggling since October 2017 to change my maiden surname to my married surname without success.

The chaos at Tzaneen Home affairs is not due to “False Rumours” but to incompetence, racism and selective service.

I not only had to change my surname but also that of my daughter who was born out of wedlock.

The application was made and all supporting documents including two sets of certified copies was presented to the official. Instead of looking at the documentation or giving a greeting, I was met with the following statement “Where is the copies, you white people think you can just come here without the correct documents”.

Furthermore, my fingerprints had to be taken and this same man almost broke my fingers to do so, not even the police constable who took my fingerprints for my firearm licence had to press so hard to get a print. This while all the documents were in his hands already.

Today [March 13] again I went to enquire as to the progress of my daughter’s surname change as it has been more than six weeks, but was met at the door by a lady who did not greet or ask if I needed help no, she walked passed a very elderly, disabled woman sitting on the floor and two other people in front of me to confront me and this was the entire conversation: Her: “No, what now?” Me: “Good morning, I want to go to enquiries.” Her: “You must get in line, lots of people are in line already.” Me: “I just want to go to enquiries, no application nothing, I just need to find out about the progress….” she interrupted me, pushed passed me saying “get into the f*cking line,” then she started calling the people behind me.

This treatment has got nothing to do with false rumours.

I eventually, after your segment “Letaba Herald Friday March 2: CHAOS AT HOME AFFAIRS BLAMED ON FALSE RUMOURS” applied online for my surname change and made the payment and three days later [I recessed an email] from Home Affairs.

Now, I still need to go and get fingerprints done and a picture taken before the online application is cancelled and I lose my money.

So now I want to know if they “apparently” know what the problem is why are they not doing anything to fix it?!

Organising the hundreds of people by making available more staff or divide the rows and rows into groups depending what you need to do. Or even allocate certain days for certain things?!

What is the point of making an online application when the staff at “our local” Home affairs are selectively helping certain people and being racist to others?

This is bull. Extremely frustrated. –


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