
More teams sponsored by NTT Isuzu

Another rural local team gets a sponsorhip deal from NTT Isuzu Tzaneen.

Mafarana Eleven Experience Football Club received new soccer kit and soccer ball from the dealership.

Within two weeks NTT Isuzu has managed to donate a brand new soccer kit and soccer balls to two teams the first one being Arsenal FC from Julesburg.

Local patron, Dr Ignatius Hoveni, initiated the sponsorship for the team, as a way of giving back to his comunity.”I’m doing this to keep the boys busy and take them away from the streets and tarverns.If the community just sit and not do anything about all the social problems and challenges in our neighbourhood it will back fire on us.By organising this for them I’m saying the future is bright as long as they are focused and grab this opportunity with both hands and not waste it,” said Hoveni.

The Mafarana Tiololeni Real Gogos, received a soccer ball from NTT Isuzu Tzaneen.

As an organisation we saw it fit to support the youngsters in their hopes of becoming successful soccer players,”explained Martin Slabber, Manager, New Car, NTT Isuzu Tzaneen.

The dealership also stretched out its hand by donating a new soccer ball to the local granny soccer team, Tiololeni Real Gogos on the day.

The Nkuna Royal House also were part of the occasion.

“We are encouraged by this kind of initiatives, this is another of developing our community and would like to encourage more people in the community who are like Dr Hoveni who contribute to the development of the community and others should learn from him,” said Herbert Shilubana, Nkuna Royal House.

Dr Ignatius Hoveni (organiser), Martin Slabber, New Car Manager at Ntt Isuzu Tzaneen, the Mafarana Eleven Experience FC and Marco Lottering, NTT Isuzu Dealership Principal.


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