
Women are the pillars of society

Women are special, they are the pillars of society and deserve to be celebrated.

One of the women who deserve to be celebrated, is SABC’s Munghana Lonene FM news reader, Vongi Maluleke. Her angelic voice mesmerizes the listers.

Vongi was born at Mphambo outside Malamulele, she is the second born of Ennie Makhubele and Wilson Maluleke.

After high school, she studied journalism at the former Technikon Northern Gauteng (TNG) now Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) from 2003 to 2005.

Vongi said Women’s day means to celebrate the brave women who fought for the freedom, dignity and honor that we are enjoying today as young women. “If it wasn’t for those women, it could have been a different story. Also to salute and honor all the women who are empowering other women to make a better living and also bringing positive change into our society today,” she said.

As a married woman, mother, sister and more, she has to juggle between family, work, as well as her social life. “As the saying goes, we work to live and we live to work. I make sure that when I’m not at work, which can be hectic at times, I spend as much time with my family, I also try to make time for my friends,” she said.

She was raised by her single mother and she draws her motivation from her. “My mother motivates me, she taught me to show love to people and never to give up in life no matter how the situation may be. She taught me that challenges of life will always be there to make us stronger, but God is our only helper if we call unto Him! In everything you do Vongi, put God first. Pray always and meditate on His word,” Vongi was taught by her mother.

She said she is grateful to work for Munghana Lonene FM, because both men and women are given fair opportunities. “I feel like we are given more respect and dignity that we deserve as women,” added Vongi.

One of the qualities she would like to install in her daughters is to learn to put God first in everything they do. “I am inspired by the scripture ‘Matthew 6:33’ They should work hard and give their best if they want to achieve in life. They shouldn’t rush for things like marriage, but rather study first while enjoying the single life before they could also have children of their own. They should also treat other people as they would also want to be treated,” concluded Vongi.

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