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LNW addressing Mopani water crisis

The Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) has embarked on confronting the water and sanitation backlog which left the communities of Mopani vulnerable for many years.

According to the statement released by LNW, 55 villages in the province are set to benefit from the water reticulation plant which will address the water and sanitation problems that had been troubling the villages. LNW managed to meet the deadline regarding the acceleration of the work on Giyani Water scheme.

On September, 28 2014, the scheme was 98% complete both the refurbishment of the old and six megalitre extensions. The remaining 2% was snag-list.

“The situation in Giyani has been a national crisis of ugly proportions for too long.

Our quick progress in turning the situation around warranted the President should come and talk to the communities about same and future plans in the broader water-distressed area of Mopani,” said the Chief Executive Officer, Phineas Legodi.

The project was officially launched last year in the Greater Giyani Municipality by President Jacob Zuma who was accompanied by the Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane.

Nkhensani hospital was the most affected as patients didn’t have water to bath and had to rely on their families to bring them water when visiting them.

Legodi confirmed that indeed the problem has been resolved following serious emergency intervention.

“We had to implement an emergency plan to restore water and sanitation services in Mopani and immediately begin in the Greater Giyani municipality,” added Legodi.

Premier Stan Mathabatha confirmed that during the Siyahlola visit last year in Greater Giyani Local Municipality, the President Zuma launched water reticulation plant to the value of R77, 4 million.

Mathabatha added that indeed 55 villages will benefit from this programme, and Lepelle Northern Water has since been appointed as an implementing agent.

“This project should also help to respond to water supply challenges the people of Giyani have experienced for some time now. The MEC for of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs(Coghsta, Makoma Makhurupetje has, on the other hand been mandated, to coordinate an implementation plan to Wastewater Treatment Works in consultation with relevant stakeholders,” said Mathabatha.

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