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DA demands Eiland road to be rebuilt after oversight

After an oversight visit to the Eiland road on Monday, the DA’s spokesperson for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Risham Maharaj, wrote to the MEC, Nkakareng Rakgoale, for a prompt intervention over the terrible state and delayed reconstruction of the road.

Maharaj told the Herald he did the oversight visit following numerous complaints from agriculture and tourism stakeholders, residents, farmers, and motorists. “I accompanied DA Councillor Chrisma Bredenkamp and found that the road’s poor condition is endangering lives, causing unnecessary accidents, some of which have resulted in the loss of life, injuries, and vehicle damage,” he said.

He said that the Eiland road, or P43/3 as it is known, plays a major role in the economic activities in the area. The road services citrus and other farming activities of over 14 000 hectares and these farms employ over 14 000 people. Tourism is another key activity in the area that requires a well-maintained road. “A project for a new road has been approved but the department continues to drag its feet and has made no visible progress on starting the project.

Also read: Still no progress on Eiland road rehabilitation

It continues to fill potholes on a road that is far beyond maintenance and rehabilitation,” he added. “The failure to urgently reconstruct the P43/3 is unacceptable, given its economic importance to the province. Rakgoale needs to ensure the quick and efficient start of this project after many years of empty promises,” he said. Herald has been reporting on the state of the Eiland road since 2021. In 2021, the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) spokesperson, Maropeng Manyathela, told the Herald:

“A consultant has been appointed and is currently busy with the designs for road P43/3 from Selwane to Eiland. The project has been assigned project number T990,” he said. The Herald received the same response last year when he was again asked about the progress on the road. Earlier this year, the Herald contacted the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure spokesperson, Witness Tiva, on the plans for the road.

Also read: Years of empty promises from Road Agency Limpopo

“A consultant has been appointed for P43/3, which is T2-tech and they are busy with detailed designs. “The road description is Letaba Ranch to Eiland T1304,” he said. During the 2023/24 budget, the department’s MEC stated that the road is in this year’s budget. This week, the Herald again contacted the spokesperson, but he was not available for comment at the time of going to print. His response will be published once received.

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