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Help raise funds for little girl’s tonsil operation

A mother of a three-year-old girl is appealing to the community to help her to have her daughter’s tonsils removed.

Little Zulené Koekemoer was only one year old when she got tonsillitis for the first time. “She had a high fever, and we couldn’t bring it down for three days. She vomited, and only drank water, had a runny nose, coughed, and wanted to sleep. Her medication only started to work on the fourth day,” Zulené’s mother, Erane told the Herald. This repeated itself every few months and since age two, she has been continuously sick.

She was constantly on antibiotics and her immune system deteriorated. “We gave her immune booster gummies and visited several doctors and clinics. At one point we decided to go to Hlokomela only so that they could record how often she was ill. After five months the doctor advised that her tonsils should be removed.” They called all the hospitals in and around Limpopo and Mpumalanga, but unfortunately, no state hospital was able to help them.

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They were advised to try Steve Biko and Kalafong hospitals in Pretoria. Steve Biko couldn’t help but Kalafong could. After a struggle, they were able to get an appointment. “They told us the operation can be done in November last year,” she said. They took a bus to Pretoria for the appointment and waited from 06:00 to 14:30. Zulené was not allowed to drink or eat anything should she go to the theatre. The doctor examined her with a camera down her nose, and her nose started to bleed. After everything, the doctor told us to return every three months for three checkups after which they will decide on a date for the operation.”

She said they were unable to return every three months, as it was too far and expensive. “In October last year, we heard of a tablet called Tonzolyt that makes the infection less severe. But due to load shedding, the tablets can no longer be manufactured,” said Erane. They are now considering taking Zulené to a private hospital. “A friend said she would start a Back-a-buddy account to help us, as the costs are very high,” she added. “As soon as we have the funds ready, we can start the process for the operation. The doctor at Kiaat Hospital is waiting for her appointment. We just want our friendly, bubbly little girl to be healthy and off medication,” concluded Erane. Visit https://www. backabuddy.co.za/zulenekoekemoer-5595279177485810353 to donate for her tonsil operation.

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