The end is near!

If you feel just like I feel, than you too are probably counting down the days, even the hours until the Christmas break. I think it is safe to say that 2017 was an incredibly challenging year. From external factors like the crazy weather, water shortages, new council elections to the horrendous crime and downgraded …

If you feel just like I feel, than you too are probably counting down the days, even the hours until the Christmas break.

I think it is safe to say that 2017 was an incredibly challenging year.

From external factors like the crazy weather, water shortages, new council elections to the horrendous crime and downgraded economy … let’s face it, Krugersdorp, living in South Africa is not for sissies!

Let’s all collectively sigh and bow our heads, not just in shame, but because we are all so tired.

But, and this is a big but, there is light at the end of this very long tunnel.

For those who are lucky to have a little break at Christmas time, I want to say keep your chin up, the end is near!

To the rest, who are working right through and who might only take their break when everyone else is back at work, to you I want to say thank you. Thank you for your patience with the rest of us.

We are all tired, over-worked, stressed and probably also a little impatient.

As we reflect on what this year was and how it turned out, I really hope we can see the silver lining in this dark cloud.

This year also had some great achievements, we should not forget about that.

Keep you head up just a little longer Krugersdorp – we can do this!

Until next week, take care of yourselves.

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