Editor's note

Rain, rain … glorious rain!

The smells of hot coffee and fresh pancakes fill my mind when I think of rainy weather.

Is it just me, or does the rain also make you feel fulfilled?

I just love it and can’t get enough!

The rainy and ostensibly depressing weather we’ve had lately is a welcome treat for me! I could easily get comfortable with constant rain like this.

The smells of hot coffee and fresh pancakes fill my mind when I think of rainy weather. What also comes to mind is snuggling up under a blanket and watching movies … aaahh, heaven!

Don’t get me wrong, I love the warmer weather too, but at this stage in my life, my body agrees with being covered up more.

My friends and family would say I’m crazy for always wanting it to be cold and ‘miserable’. My husband (for one) hates this type of weather because it means he cannot go cycling or have a braai.

I do however feel the need to stress the importance of taking care in wet weather conditions like these.

More accidents occur in this weather. It’s as if people are trying to get home faster because they do not want to be caught outside in this weather.

Speeding is probably one of the worst things you can do on a wet road, and I honestly don’t understand why everyone needs to be reminded of this every time it rains.

The moral of my story is: take care. Take care of your vehicle and everyone in it with you when driving in wet weather. It’s as simple as that.

As I conclude, I also want to thank my Heavenly Father for the rain. We should not forget that the drought conditions are not over, but we are forever thankful.

Be safe Krugersdorp – until next week.

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