Editor's note

Dear Springboks …

I want my Springboks back!

It is with great sadness that I write this letter.

Saturday was probably one of the worst days in the life of a Springbok rugby player. It was also a very dark day for Springbok supporters around the world.

Everyone wants to know what happened and where the fault lies.

We will probably never get a straight answer about what happened and perhaps it is best to just accept defeat altogether. But, as your fans and supporters, we feel robbed.

Robbed of our dignity for wearing the green and gold with pride. Robbed of our legacy as being a rugby country to be proud of. Robbed of our emotions because you literally took us on a roller-coaster ride this Saturday.

I want my Springboks back!

This country of ours is on the edge of a meltdown and the last bit of hope we had for some unity lay with our first team.

Did you really give it your all? Did you really put aside your contractual differences to play a worthy game of rugby?

I do not think so.

Stop holding us, the people standing behind you, ransom while you sort out your mess. Start playing the way you were trained to play when you decided to become the best of the best.

You owe us that much.


Your supporters who are hanging on by a thread of hope …

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