Au revoir for now!

For the next couple of weeks you will not hear much from me.

Au revoir, Krugersdorp! … I will not be available for the next two weeks since I’m going on a fabulous holiday in Southern Europe.

Forgive me for rubbing it in, but it goes without saying that I am very proud of this personal accomplishment. My husband and I saved for 14 months to go on this trip.

We completely cancelled our social life, down-scaled our grocery cupboard and upgraded our home entertainment system because every single cent was to be saved.

And we did it!

By the time this piece of mine hits the proverbial stands, I will be saying ‘bonjour’ … as typical tourists do when they travel through France.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been on this saving journey with us. To our devoted friends, our incredible family and my worthy colleagues … thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for understanding that we could not always partake in the everyday indulgences and weekend splurges.

Also, thank you for the well-wishes and for always opening your hearts and sometimes your pockets to us. I say this with a tear in my eye – my husband and I are truly blessed, and you helped us make this possible.

Thank you so much.

In the meantime, keep yourself safe, Krugersdorp!

“Jusqu’à ce que nous parlons à nouveau!”

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