Winds of change?

A heartfelt congratulations, from me, to our newest Mayor, Lynn Pannall.

I have known Lynn for almost nine years. We’ve worked on numerous articles and projects together. Her passion for the community of Krugersdorp is evident in everything she does.

I look forward to Mayor Lynn’s council and the plans she has for Mogale City.

Should we be worried about what lies ahead for Mogale now that a woman is in charge? No! On the contrary, I think we should be excited …

Not only do we have a new mayor, we also have a new council which, for the first time in a long time, is standing together in order to make positive changes in our town.

These changes are not going to happen overnight … they might not even reflect within the next year, but the sooner we realise that there is work to be done, the better.

The elections are over and sore losers should go and mope somewhere else. What needs to be done now has to become priority. Crime and corruption need to be addressed immediately.

But I am not going to tell Mayor Lynn how to do her work – I am sure she is quite capable of doing so herself.

All I am going to say is: “Mayor Lynn, I am looking forward to working with you and good luck to you and your team”.

Until next week, stay positive Krugersdorp!

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