Think happy thoughts … right?

I read a tweet that said South Africans are in a permanent state of anxiety.

Wow, that is a scary thought!

Just image being permanently worried, nervous, uneasy or perhaps even angry.

I can somehow relate to that. Being a journalist is not easy. And yes, I know, there are far more demanding jobs than mine, but I just want to put it in perspective for you … in this last week alone I have received a death threat, been threatened four times with legal action, been told that I am a heartless individual, been cussed at almost every day, been told to get protection because someone is ‘coming for me’ and my personal favourite, been told not to reproduce.

So yes, I know what it’s like to be anxious all the time. Can you blame me?

But the real question is; am I going to fret about it the whole time?


I have chosen to persevere. I have chosen, despite the on-going battle I have with myself, to block out all negativity that comes with my job.

It has been very hard and sometimes I think it would be much easier wallowing in a corner … and then I open up my newspaper and reread all the great articles written by my team. Like the article of Krugersdorp’s miracle baby Giselle who was born 14 weeks premature or the one of how many role-players of Krugersdorp encourage the youth to rise above their circumstances.

My point is, the world is filled with beautiful things; we should just choose to focus on it, right?

Keep your thoughts pure and good, Krugersdorp! Until next week.

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