Our pets often reflect God’s character

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

In God’s world these creatures not only bless us but they can teach us so much. Most South Africans were raised in homes where pets played a role in our development. People we may forget, but a special pet is with us forever. Dog, cat, horse, bird, creatures that make our lives more meaningful. I have met a few people in my life that reflect God, but animals often show more of God’s character than humans.

Can you imagine my surprise when I read Proverbs 12:10 in the Good News Bible? This is amazing, “Good people take care of their animals, but wicked people are cruel to theirs”.

Next time you sit with your pet on your lap or at your feet, stop for a moment and think. Maybe you are closer to God than you thought.

As I thought about this odd idea, I said a silent prayer, “God, if I am to be more like you, maybe I should be more like my dog”.

Someone sincerely once asked me, “Will there be animals in heaven?” From a biblical, theological point, I don’t know. But I wanted to answer a question with a question like Jesus did, “Will there be people in heaven?”

It would be a sad day when there is more of God’s character in our pets than in us. All creation reveals God’s character. You should also carry his image in your life. Amen.

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