
Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

All of us know someone who has battled this evil disease called cancer. For some it is a very sudden and short battle. Weeks and months and the battle is over. Others, we know, have fought this thing called cancer for 20 or 30 years. Its effects are felt financially and physically. Family and friends pay the price with the affected person. The treatment and the side effects have a devastating effect on all of us. Our daughter of 16 months old, more than 30 years ago, fought this battle. There are no positives to this disease. But over the years I have seen how it has changed people’s lives. Things that were of lesser importance became priorities.

Little things, insignificant things become our hope and strength. Family, friends, kindness become everything.

Work, success, money, cars and houses are not that important.

Even our inclusion of God in our every day is more prominent. A distant reality, eternity is our today.

If you know someone who is fighting this thing called cancer, remember it is the little things that make the world of a difference. Your smile, your visit, your eyes and your prayers carry that person through the storm. Today you and I carry others, maybe tomorrow God will use others to carry us through our storm. Cancer is never the end, it may be the beginning of appreciation.

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