It’s your availability that counts

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Today, as I pick up my pen to write another article for the newspaper, there is pressure.

I recently heard about a woman who has been reading my column for 28 years. She has faithfully collected almost all the articles and put them into an album. If she feels a bit down, she goes to the album.

What can I write that, in time, will be of value to someone I don’t know and will probably never meet?

So here it goes. Don’t underestimate the value of what you do. You may see it as small, even insignificant. But it may be in God’s perfect plan; your words or action could change someone’s world.

An act of kindness, a word of encouragement could be a seed that lies dormant for years before God’s plan comes together. More than 30 years ago, my wife and I were out on our bicycles. A woman who was cutting down a tree needed help. Branches fell on the road. We put down our bicycles and quickly assisted her. We thought nothing of it. Many years later we heard of how big an impression that little act of kindness had made on her.

Would it not be wonderful if you and I could, today, be God’s hand extended to help someone? Don’t wait for an angel to arrive, be that angel. It is not your ability, but your availability.

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