Who is at the heart of your religion?

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

To some this may seem like a really strange question. As a boy growing up in the church, I was used to God being at the heart of all things faith.

Jesus’ prayer still echoes through my brain, “Thy will be done”.

Our focus was to bless God. It was all about Him and not about us.

Today it seems to have changed so much. Many sermons are focused on your health, wealth and happiness. God, it seems to me, is like a magic genie in a book. Open the book and release the genie in anticipation of the words, “Give me your three wishes”.

Many sermons focus on events in the speaker’s life. He is the hero in all his stories. The Bible may or may not even be mentioned.

The faithful old preacher’s prayer is not forgotten, “Father, hide me behind the cross”.

Sad fact is this, much of 21st century religion is man-centred.

Today I long back to my youth. Faith was simple. God was central. I bore my cross without complaining, I never made demands. Jesus’ prayer is still my cornerstone, “Thy will be done”. Job’s cry is in my ears, “Even if he slay me, yet, will I serve him”.

Christianity is not about us. It is all about God’s great love for all of us. Next time you are in church and the focus is on what God can do for you, stop and ask, “Isn’t the real issue what I can do for God?”

Our faith must always be God-centred.

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