My heart broke

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

On 15 January, I went for an early morning walk. Good for my body and my mind. On my way I passed a school welcoming its new Grade 8 learners. Proud parents and nervous children lined the pavement outside the school gate. Education is so important but not everybody gets a chance to attend a school with a 100 per cent matric pass rate. Lucky kids, I thought. Right parents, right side of the rail line. Lucky! A few hundred meters down the road I passed a young boy digging through the rubbish bin. My heart broke. Who is he, what is his story? What chance does he have competing for jobs against the children I just passed?

My mind quickly raced to Siya Kolisi, the Springbok rugby captain that helped us win the World Cup, and to Miss Universe 2019, Zozibini Tunzi. Both came from very humble backgrounds and look what they achieved. I felt better. On later reflection I realised they were exceptions. Many people will never get out of their poverty.

I don’t have the answers but I wondered how God sees our world. I wondered how many of the lucky kids will go on their knees tonight and thank God for their blessings. I wondered if the young man digging through the trash may be the one who will say a prayer. Without wasting a moment, I closed my eyes and said a prayer of thanks. What I have I don’t deserve and I cannot say I earned. If we don’t appreciate what we have, if we don’t say thank you, maybe we are breaking God’s heart.

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