
Quiet reflection

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Jesus, without a doubt, was and is one of the greatest role models in history.

Yes, there are a number of amazing people, ancient and current, that are good role models. If you and I want to learn from them, we have to look beyond their achievements to their daily practices. From the moment they wake up to the time they fall asleep. Books on success spell out these people’s practices and habits.

One of Jesus’ habits that may be worth a thought is his quiet times of reflection. The Bible deliberately highlights that Jesus started the day early and sought quiet places to reflect in prayer.

Looking back on my life, I can see how my rushed life led me to making some sad choices. If I had just practiced, throughout my life, the regular discipline of quiet reflection, I would have had fewer scars. If you are facing tough choices, difficult decisions, why not make time for quiet reflection. The result will be twofold.

You will make better decisions and have more strength to carry on.

A rushed, pressured decision is often not the right decision.

Maybe the time you take to sharpen the blade of your saw will result in more work done and less pain endured.

The question is not, do you have time to stop and reflect. Maybe it is more like, can I afford not to stop. “A stitch in time…..”

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