2019 is almost history

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Soon the year 2019, that was in the future, will be in the past, a piece of history.

As we look back at this year, how can we grade it? Almost like an accountant that needs to balance the books, we need to asses the year. Assets and liabilities, income and expenses, debits and credits. In the end, you sit with a profit or a loss. How was your 2019?

God has been good to everyone by giving us opportunities and encouragement. But we make decisions, some wise, some foolish. At the end, we must accept that what we have sown, we will reap.

For me, 2019 was a good year. Not an easy year, but a year filled with things that count. My family, my friends, my work, my health. All things that money cannot buy. If you measure your life by money made, you will never have enough. If you calculate pleasure as important, you will often be disappointed. My life is really a mixture of success and failure, ups and my downs. In fact, very often my negatives have been positive, and some of my positives, negative.

Yes, it is possible that what we think of as a blessing may be a curse. Winning the Lotto, for instance, may not be a blessing.

The key to history is that we control it. Write your history before the ink sets and you cannot change it.

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