Slow down

Pastor Gerrit Mes, "How busy are you?"

A few weeks ago, I heard a passionate old pastor, filled with a lifetime of experiences, give some of the best advice ever.

He said, “If you want to see more of God, slow down”.

We live our lives at a breakneck speed. We are constantly rushing, from one crisis to the next. In fact, one of the biggest curses of the 21st century is that people either don’t know how to slow down, or we feel guilty if there is a pause.

I recently spoke to a very good friend who shared a story with me that made me think. For 29 years, she and her husband worked very hard. There was no time for free time.

Business and family kept them running for 29 years. After a tragic event, her whole life turned around. Now, for the first time, she has slowed down enough to experience the wonders of God’s handiwork.

For some of you this may sound silly, but for the first time she has noticed the beauty and wonder of birds.

A bird book and time are allowing her to see things money cannot buy.

How busy are you?

Are you so busy running and rushing around that you miss out on the first signs of summer? Blossoms and swallows, new beginnings all around us?

Maybe, in God’s grace, we should sometimes be forced to slow down and appreciate God’s handiwork all around us.


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