
Spring changes so much

Pastor Gerrit Mes – "All of us want to be happy and experience the joys of a Spring season in our lives."

One of the most amazing things in nature has to be the seasons of the year – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Each one has unique and special characteristics, but the most powerful one for me is always Spring. The longer days and warmer temperatures seem to affect all of us in so many ways. At the entrance of the church, there are more smiles, chats and laughter. In our malls, people even look happier. Nothing has really changed except the weather, yet it feels like a breath of hope in all of our hearts.

We cannot control the seasons, they just come and go. All of us go through seasons in our personal lives. Work, family, sports and hobbies go through seasons. But unlike the seasons in nature, we can choose to stay in a certain season. Through depression, fear, or unforgiveness, we can prolong our stay in the Winter season for a long time.

All of us want to be happy and experience the joys of a Spring season in our lives. But by holding on to things from our Winter, we can stay in a cold, grey, dark place. It was the author of Psalm 51 v12 that wrote these words: “Restore to me the joy of my salvation.”

If you are stuck in a season, maybe now is the right time to step into a new Spring in your life, fFeeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and the joy of God’s Son in your heart. It is Spring, time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy God’s love for you and me.

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