Perception versus reality

Pastor Gerrit Mes – "I can see how my perceptions became my reality".

Years ago, I found myself in a very dark place. No light, no hope, no solution. In all the years of my life, it was truly the most awful experience I have ever had. Not even death would have been worse. Don’t be shocked – with hindsight, I have realised that it was a beneficial experience. Insensitive people told me to snap out of it, but I was paralysed by my situation.

There was a world of difference between my perceptions and my reality. My reality was great. Healthy, family support, a job, food, shelter and clothing. I had it all. Was my problem chemical, psychological, intellectual? To this day I don’t know – all I know is, it was real to me.

Today, as I look back, I can see how my perceptions became my reality. My perception was, nobody loves me, nobody cares, I am alone.

One probably insignificant line in the Bible assisted me to survive. God said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” As I look back, I remember one word in that sentence, “never”.

Yes, like most of you, I still have dips from time to time. But before it becomes unbearable, and out of control, I quote that one word: “Never”.

You may not need that promise today, but you will need it one day. Your reality may be that life is great, but your perceptions can kill you. Jesus did not promise health, wealth and happiness. He promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Amen

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