Just get through today

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

I wonder if you have ever woken up in the morning and thought, “How can I get through this day?” A mountain, a giant, a challenge that seems impossible. We all face days like that. Days when your faith is at its lowest and God seems so far away. Days when not even the power of positive thinking helps.

Like you, I also face days like that. Days when my personal drug of choice, sleep, eludes me. “How will I get through this day?”

One small Bible mantra gives me strength. It’s part of a prayer. “Give us this day our daily bread.”

Yes, the teacher of this prayer also had days like that. Instead of looking at an uncertain future, He focused on today. Just bread for this day. This mantra has very little to do with bread. Here the bread represents sustenance, strength and hope. It can come in the form of a smile, a bit of encouragement or an innocent hug. For me, it’s often been the care of a true friend.

I don’t often have days like this. You may be as blessed as I am and not wake up to days like this very often.

But not a day goes by that you and I do not meet someone who is having a day like this. It may be a chance meeting in a mall, or a person at work. It may be a total stranger, someone dying, someone drowning, that needs a bit of kindness.

Nothing happens by chance, someone that comes across your path today may need help to get through the day.

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