Who can you really trust?

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Today everything revolves around money. Doctors, lawyers, ministers, sales people. Who can you really trust?

Your car is making a strange noise. You take it to a dealership. You know very little about cars. Sorry, but this is going to cost you R10 000. Who can you really trust?

The truth is that there are very few people you can really trust. But the more important question may be, can people really trust you?

Do the words honesty, sincerity, 100 per cent ethical describe who you are?

Through a lifetime of disappointments and lots of scars, it is time to own up. All of us have disappointed people with our actions and words. I am sure there are many people that I have disappointed. Aware of this fact, I need to watch myself more carefully. Much of life is built on trust. It is more powerful than you think. If you cannot trust anyone, you are a very sad person. If no one can trust you, you are a very poor person. If you trust the wrong person, you may be a very disappointed person. Maybe Jesus should have the last say on trust. John 14:1 says, “… trust in God, trust also in me.”

We need to honestly ask ourselves, “Are we trustworthy?”

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