
A grandson

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Like most parents, my children’s childhood was just a blur. My wife and I were young and caught up in just surviving, but now that I have a grandson, I can see and appreciate his development so much more.

I watched him playing the other day and realised the importance of copying in the process of learning. Then I realised that almost everything we do is learnt by copying other people.

The way we treat our pets for example, is probably the way our children will treat their pets. The way we interact with our husbands and wives will influence the way they will treat their parents one day.

Just as important is the way I live my faith. These little ones that copy us will one day have a faith that is either a religion or a relationship. The greatest danger in this learning process is that these little ones do not just copy our good characteristics but also our bad ones. That is probably why an angry wife will say, “You are just like your……”

Beware, little eyes are watching us, beware, little lives are being formed.

I have to stop and think, if my grandson follows me, where will he end up? It’s not where you point, it’s where you walk.

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