

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

A few months ago, in this column, I asked the question, “What would you do if you knew you only had 24 hours to live?” Things like time to say thank you and I am sorry, were important in that 24 hours.

Recently, I realised there is a question I have never written about. What would you do if you knew you would live forever? If death is not the end, only a door to another chapter in your eternal life?

Then the 70 plus years, a flash in the pan, has a new meaning.

What if these 70 years will influence my forever?

Most religions, including Christianity, link the 70 plus years to eternity.

How would you live your life? Your pain and suffering suddenly become less of an issue, it is soon over.

The Bible gives a clear indication of what we should do today.

Matt 6:20 says, “Store up your treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

Deep in my heart I believe that we all have eternity in us.

Maybe the truth is simple – eternity does not start the day we die, but the day we are born. Hope to see you on the other side.

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