
Too little, too late

Pastor Gerrit Mes – from the pulpit.

It is a common practice at a funeral to show appreciation. Family and friends express their appreciation to the person who has departed. So often it is too little, too late.

Appreciation should be shown every day. In my quiet moments of meditation, I remember all God’s blessings in my life. Food, family, friends, fun and faith, to mention just a few blessings God has given me. Yes, I don’t have everything my heart desire, I definitely don’t have as much as some people have. But you and I have more than most.

Then I bow my head in silence and I whisper in God’s ear, “Thank you”. It is that appreciation that warms God’s heart.

Then I think of all that my parents have done for me and I say thank you. My friends who have meant so much to me come to mind.

I stop. Maybe the true power of appreciation is not meditating on it, but expressing it. Yes, I need to say thank you daily for all I have. One of the most discouraging things is to be taken for granted or to be underappreciated. We need to remember others feel the same. Don’t make the mistake of too little, too late. Krugersdorp, I appreciate you!

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