Missing the miracle

Pastor Gerrit Mes; From the pulpit — God is working in South Africa in a big way.

A few weeks ago, a few hundred people gathered at our church for a prayer march for the upcoming elections.

We prayed for a peaceful election and for God to give us godly leaders.

So my eyes were watching for a miracle. Then, at the inauguration of the President, I saw the Chief Justice handing the President a beautiful Bible. In his speech, the President quoted from the Bible. Isn’t that part of the miracle we prayed for?

Then at the opening of Parliament, someone preached a direct sermon and said a powerful prayer. Isn’t it part of the miracle?

I know I won’t convince many of my sceptical Christian friends, but God is working in South Africa in a big way.

Yes, there will be attacks; yes, things will not always go the way you think. But which country on earth has what we have just seen? Europe, Australia, New Zealand? No way. Not even in America where on their money it says, “In God we trust”, but it is against the law to pray in school.

We will keep on praying for South Africa. We will keep up the good fight. But I believe we have a very blessed country. Don’t miss the miracle, you prayed for it.

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