How do you cope?

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Living in the 21st century is not easy. It is as if life has become so complex. All of us seem to have mountains of issues, ranging from financial, to family and faith.

Our problems are even more daunting because yesterday, today and tomorrow’s worries are with us today. Rich, poor, educated, uneducated, from the entire rainbow of colours, all have unbelievable challenges.

How not to cope is a good starting point. Don’t stubbornly live in denial. Denying your giants won’t make them go away.

Don’t escape your problems by trying to keep too busy to worry. Booze and drugs only make things worse.

How can you deal with your mountains? Count your blessings. Pour a cup of coffee, sit in a quiet place with no distractions. Count your blessings. You may be surprised. Next, confide in a trusted friend. There is some risk here, so choose wisely.

It is not your friend’s advice that is so important, it is your thoughts crystalising as you put things into words.

Finally, do as the Bible advises – live one day at a time.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

You cannot change the past, but with God’s help, you can stop yesterday from destroying tomorrow. Many people have far bigger problems than you and I have. Amen.

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