

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

I recently stood next to the road with my car broken down, 70 kilometres from Brits, literally in the middle of nowhere. A quick phonecall to my insurance company and assistance was dispatched. Through the miracle of cellphones, communication was possible and help was on its way.

Like most of you, I have often felt as if I have broken down during life’s journey. Unable to fix the problem myself, who do I call?

The miracle of prayer as a unique tool of communication is available to all of us. Often God does not come to the rescue Himself, but He sends someone to help.

Many years ago, my mom and I were travelling on a lonely road late at night when our car suffered a flat tyre. My mom must have prayed. Soon a young man in a very old car parked behind us. He changed the tyre and helped us on our way. He drove about a hundred metres into the dark, turned left and his vehicle lights disappeared. As we started to drive, we looked at where he had turned off the main road. We were both surprised to find there was no turn-off. Was he an angel dispatched to help us?

That happened almost 50 years ago and I am still convinced he was an angel on assignment. When we cry “Help”, God dispatches someone to help us. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if next time someone cries for help, God sends you?

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