I hate you!

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Harsh words that shock us. But truth be told, many of us have thought these exact words. Someone has disappointed you, wounded you, or deserted you. A strong emotion rises up and you are capable of hatred.

Hate is one of the strongest emotions we can experience. The problem with hate is that it can and will hurt its host, the person that hates.

Hate does not end at the grave. Some may hate someone that died long ago. The Bible strongly condemns all forms of hate. Hate is placed in the same category as murder.

Jesus gives great advice concerning hatred. The key to beating hate and its severe consequences is to forgive.

As hard as it is, forgiveness is the only cure for hatred.

But forgiveness is easier said than done. Surely, if Jesus hanging on a cross, His body riddled with pain, looking at the soldiers, could say, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” He can help us to forgive those that have hurt us?

If forgiveness is impossible for you, try asking God to forgive your enemies. Hate kills, forgiveness heals.

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