Present, Absent

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

My wife and I love to make time for date dinners. In the midst of a busy schedule it is important to make time for the special person in your life.

But to my shame, I am sometimes preoccupied with issues in the ministry. So it is not uncommon to have my wife reach across the table, take my hand and say, “Where are you?” My response is usually, “I am here”. But she knows, although I am physically with her, my mind may be a million miles away.

I wonder if God ever walks through your church on a Sunday, wanting to take your hand, looking into your eyes and saying, “Where are you?”

Being present but absent is something that robs us of great blessings.

One hour on a Sunday is so important in my life. Just an hour, yes, it can mean so much.

As I sit in church I feel peace, a place of refuge and rest.

You may say, well, I can do that in my garden or on a hike. You are right. But there is something special about the ‘My Father’s house’ experience.

People are quick to point out all the hypocrites and hypocrisy in church. They may have a point. But I don’t go to church for people. Next time you go to church, don’t be present but absent.

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