
Where can I find God?

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

The character Job in the Bible is often associated with suffering.

If someone is going through terrible times, we would say, “You are a Job.”

Job, in the midst of his trials and tribulations, wanted to talk to God. He probably had a million questions like we have, and wanted God, not a priest, to answer them.

Job 23:3 reads like this: “If only I knew where to find Him, if only I could go to His dwelling.”

I wonder if you have felt like this. It never rains but it pours. Why this thing, why now, why me, could be your cry.

Pagans seem to live such easy lives in opulent luxury. You, on the other hand, find trouble around every corner. You don’t need yet another sermon or a friend’s mindless opinion. Like Job, you just want to hear from God.

But where is He? It is not blasphemy to ask questions.

If you want to find God, the church is one of many places. But you can find Him almost anywhere at any time.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you.”

Maybe, in your search for God, you can pray, “God, I cannot find You, will You please find me.”

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