
Christmas is for everyone!

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Billions of people around the world will in a few days’ time remember the story of the birth of Christ, even though the date is probably all wrong and most of the celebrations and traditions have nothing to do with the real events of 2 000 years ago.

What makes the story so powerful, though, is the fact that Jesus was born in a stable. His family was not well known or well connected. His life was lived in relative obscurity. He was born and lived far from the important places of his time. He didn’t have a university education, he never held a position in any public or religious institution. He wasn’t part of any political party, and he didn’t command an army. As far as we know, he didn’t have a bank account and never owned land. Finally, he was arrested and put to death after only 3 years of preaching. His only worldly possessions were literally the clothes on his back.

But 2 000 years later, billions still revere his teachings.

It is nothing short of a miracle, a miracle that still brings hope to all of us.

At this point I wish to thank the staff at the Krugersdorp News for all their love and support. To the wonderful people of Mogale City, I pray for a wonderful, festive season and a better New Year.

Luke 2:10 says, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

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