Creatures of habit

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

It is almost as if our lives are ruled by two things, habits and addictions. It is so true that all of us are creatures of habit. Without thinking, we do the same things over and over until they become habits. Habits do not choose us, we choose and develop habits.

Earlier this year I embarked on an ambitious project – to walk regularly for my health and well-being. Soon it became a habit. It takes very little effort and the rewards are amazing. In 108 days I have walked just over 1 000km. Physically, I feel better and spiritually, it’s amazing. But habits need to be maintained. If I stop walking for 10 days all my good work may be lost.

Many of us fall into bad habits. Being negative is no more than a bad habit. Recently I visited a friend with Stage 4 cancer. On the way there, I prepared myself for doom and gloom. But after an hour in his company, I felt I could climb any mountain. Nothing is impossible if your attitude is right.

As I drove home, I realised his strength is the result of a lifetime of cultivating a positive, healthy attitude, a habit of positivity.

Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, like everything else are built on habits we form today. You don’t know what tomorrow holds for you, but you can rest assured that today’s habit is your key to tomorrow’s victory.

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