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Be in touch with your angelic power

Angel's Cove founder Janet McGhee believes that angels are a link between people and their higher powers.

Janet McGhee from Angel’s Cove in Muldersdrift believes that everyone has an angelic realm with their higher selves and a guardian angel looking over them.

What transpired 28 years ago after her mom’s death turned into a lifestyle for Janet and she believes she is an angelic link between you and your guardian angel. Speaking to the Northsider, Janet says she remembers opening a curtain one morning and seeing a bright, shining star in the sky. Her intuition told her that the star was a message from an angel assuring her that her mom was okay and resting in peace. Since that day she believed she could be an angelic link between the physical and angelic realms.

She says one random day a gentleman gave her a set of cards as a gift, and when she started doing angelic inspiration and guidance (readings) at that time, she didn’t have the confidence but it always helped and worked for people.

“If you are in the physical realm, it becomes difficult to connect with your higher powers to guide you, and God created this angelic realm. Once you connect with your unique power, it changes your life.

“If you look at the world, everyone is trying to fix their problems physically, but if you have that angelic power within yourself, you can deal with your problems even better.

“The most important thing is to link up with what you have been born with and have your angelic peace corner where you pray, meditate, do affirmations, and read the Bible.

“I help people shine by supporting, giving them hope, inspiring and nurturing them, and encouraging them.” Janet’s book Angels for Africa was published in 2005, and she strongly believes that there’s something about Africa and angels. She hopes that her book will become a global phenomenon that will inspire, help, and empower others worldwide.

For more information, contact Janet on 073 182 4882.

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